VRstories; Stories in Virtual Reality. Experience a story and live through an adventure by looking around you.
So how can I use it?
There are many ways to implement a 360˚ VR-environment. For both games as well as normal informative messages it is very appealing to be able to stand in the middle of it.
Experience the interactive environment as if you are there yourself.
Be present everywhere
Show your users what you are talking about. They are right on top of it.
By using audio voice-overs you can let yourself be informed by the people directly involved.
Let people or objects tell their story. With voice-overs added to specific hotspots you can communicate more directly.
By adding time pressure and attaching a search mission you turn the environment into a game at once, this makes you message stick a whole lot better.
Spot searches, investigating quests spread through multiple spaces. It’s possible. Keeping score on how fast you were or how much you picked up. That is also possible.
No plugin, no app. You can experience VR within your normal browser.
VR everywhere
Whether you’re using a VR headset, or playing with your smartphone, or if you have a better feeling of the world on your tablet. It is possible with VRstories. The platform is also developed to be projected onto smart boards via desktop. That actually looks quite impressive.
A pragmatic approach.
It just has to work right away!
Interesting VRstories have been made with our simple and most of all quickly realizable VR game tool.